Regular Meeting –December 14, 2009


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Mike Williams at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Bill Britton.  Members Absent: None.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Sleepers Tim Wenzel and Keith Heryford, FF Kane Edwards, Mike McMillan and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting November 9, 2009 –

B.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Howard to approve the consent agenda as presented.



A.    Nominations/Elections of Chairman – Britton/Helsley to nominate Steve Howard to serve as Chairman.  No other nominations were made.  Vote unanimous, nominations closed.  Steve Howard will serve as Chairman for the term of 2010.

B.    Nominations/Elections of Vice-Chairman – Howard/Owen to nominate Bill Britton to serve as Vice-Chairman.  No other nominations were made.  Vote unanimous, nominations closed.  Bill Britton will serve as Vice-Chairman for the term of 2010.

C.    Set Date, Time and Place of Regular Meetings for 2010 – Owen, Britton to keep the same meeting date, time and place as the second Monday of each month, at 1700 hours at the Weaverville Fire Department for the year of 2010.


       IV.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Plans for the Annual Awards Banquet – Mr. Helsley reported the LaGrange has been reserved for Sunday January 10th, cocktails at 1700, dinner at 1800 awards at 1900.

B.    Discuss/Approved Revised Equipment List for the New Rescue 2151 – Alvord passed out an updated list of items for the new rescue, the old chassis has had the box removed and is parked out front.  Rescue items have been put onto 2161, and trays were made to make it functional as a rescue.  Rope was put onto Engine 2131, to be used for over the side rescues.  The exhaust system was removed off of R-2151 in order to get the box removed. 12 showed Saturday, 8 showed on Sunday to help with the rescue.  The board gave authorization to use the remaining of the original $50,000 budget, which is just over $3,000.  Chief Alvord reported they still need hydraulics; he has a call into L.N. Curtis and is unsure of the price.  There was discussion that Fords 2010 does meet the California emissions standards, but does not meet the OSHA diesel standards for operating inside of a building. Chief Alvord requested a copy of the OSHA standard, stock emissions for the 2010 ford and what the emissions will be after the ward filter is installed.  Ward stated they will take into consideration the old filter and give us a discount on a new system.  It was mentioned the new ford does have a stock filter, but the particulates are not small enough to meet the OSHA standards.  Mr. Owen asked if ford makes a filter that will meet the OSHA standards. 

C.    Discuss/Amend Policy # 08-1 Establishing Qualifying Procedures for the Air Membership Program – There was discussion of members being on call, versus members who respond to a set number of calls per year.  If they make themselves available and there are no calls, they should still be eligible to receive the helicopter benefits.  Owen/Britton to amend Policy 08-1 to read “the member has responded to an average of four incidents/page outs per month over a calendar year or, is on call and available for an average of 4 nights per month over a calendar year”.  Effective immediately.

D.    Discuss/Approve Trinity County’s Energy Efficiency Grant to supply a Heat Pump to the Fire Museum with a Proposed Fiscal Impact of $3,630.90 – Chief Alvord reported, he applied through the Trinity County Grants office for a grant to upgrade community buildings, we used a quote that was still good from Crystal Air to purchase and install a heat pump into the Fire Museum.  We would be responsible for 49% of the grant up front the other 51% of the grant is a 0% interest loan.  Chief Alvord stated this is an opportunity to improve the museum at ½ the cost.  Proposals go in front of the BOS tomorrow.  MSC: Howard/Helsley to approve the submittal and cost for the energy efficiency grant.

E.    Discuss/Approve Warning Beacon at the Corner of Bremer and Hwy 299 with a Proposed Fiscal Impact of $600 annually - Chief Alvord reported he heard from the Transportation Department that they have a bid and will be working in the Warning Beacon Project.  They were looking to get the MOU signed.  Chief Alvord explained that this project was never introduced to the Board.  Legal Advisor David hammer has already approved the contract.  Chief Alvord went over the contract presented; there will also be a contract between the Fire District and PUD to have the power installed.  There will be a monthly operational electrical cost at approximately $25 each beacon or $50 a month.  There was discussion about the cost to place each meter, we will wait for the new contract to see the actual cost.  Chief Alvord recommended appointing a board member to meet with the PUD board and enter into a contract if possible.  Mr. Britton recommended that this will increase safety; we asked for it, the board should support it.  Mr. Helsley volunteered to meet with the PUD board. Chairman Williams Tabled this action item to the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

F.     Discuss/Approve the Agreement Between Weaverville Fire District and the County of Trinity for the Warning Beacon being placed on the Corner of Bremer and Hwy 299 – Chairman Williams Tabled this action item to the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

G.   Discuss/Approve Purchase of 3 new Turnout Liners Fiscal Impact of $1,400.00 – Chief Alvord reported after the mill fire, several sets of turnouts were badly soiled.  4 sets had to be professionally cleaned. We have the option of replacing the liners, or replacing the pants all together for $250 more per set.  All of the shells have been repaired.  MSC: Owen/Howard to approve the cost of ordering new sets of turnout liners.  It was questioned if the Mills Insurance Company can reimburse us the cost of replacing the turnouts.  Chief Alvord reported that Ken Dunn from the Mill has offered to cover the cost of ruined equipment.  Douglas City Fire Received a letter from the insurance company asking for a list of damaged or lost items.  Board decided to go ahead and pay for the invoices and seek reimbursement if available.

H.    Discuss/Appoint Employment Contract Committee Between Mike McMillan and the Weaverville Fire District – Chief Alvord reported the Hazardous Reduction Program was awarded $130,000 for the 2010 year.  Chief Alvord is interested in hiring Mr. McMillan as a District Employee.  Mr. McMillan has written a FEMA grant to help pay for his salary.  We won’t be able to spend any grant funding until the contract is approved with the county.  Then the contract must come back to the board for approval.  Mr. McMillan has agreed to these conditions, we already have had a contract in place for Mr. McMillan and will work on updating it for him to move forward as a District Employee.  Fire Storm will be used as a contractor for the Reduction Employees and Mr. McMillan will have the ability to have more quality control. We are now looking at weeks to have the contracts in place and starting the program.  Chairman Williams has volunteered to sit on the Committee with Chief Alvord.

I.      Discuss/Approve the Purchase of 20 New Generation Fire Shelters Fiscal Impact of $7,000 to be reimbursed, Approved by the 2009 Title III Grant – Chief Alvord reported we were granted 20 new fire shelters through the TCCA Title III Grant.  We will however have to expend the funds to purchase the shelters then submit a bill to the Trinity County Grants Office to be reimbursed.  We will not be able to order shelters or expend funds until the contract is in place.  MSC: Howard/Helsley to approve the expenditures for $7,000 to be reimbursed by Title III funding.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report –

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported:

Inspections – 2 plan checks, 1 fire prevention presentation and 1 Large Daycare inspection.

Meetings – Community Wildfire Protection Committee was given a grant, it they are able to use our Meeting Room, we can be reimbursed up to $500. 

Misc – Station 1 had a water leak out front; sprinkler value is shut off, and will be replaced in the spring.  THS shop machine is broken but they have some ideas for the sign out front.  The rest of the apparatus bay has been painted and the museum will be painted tomorrow.  The Decon was broken into and the generator may be missing, the SO took a report this morning.  A new refrigerator was purchased at $850.00; the reflective vests were purchased at $668.  The SOG will update and the volunteers will be trained on the safety vests.  A cover letter for the Building Department was created for plans submitted to the District, we are also working on a new inspection form, and they will both be in place by next month.  Chief Chatterton was recognized at the BOS meeting.  TCCA workmen’s comp reimbursement was $1,780 this year, in the past it has been over $3000.  Chief Chatterton will be looking into where this funding was placed.  Since the securitization funds were approved the board should look into having a mid year budget review. The budget committee will be resurrected and meet by the next regular scheduled meeting.

Fire Department Report – 2 new members Nathan Howard and Amanda Phelps were voted into the Department.  4 members took the Haz-Mat Fro class.  FF Edwards passed the 67 hour class.  There was a fire at One Stop Auto, it was started by their iguana cage and burnt into the loft area.  The Firefighters did a good job on interior attack.  The fire investigator commented on having good documentation.  The senior apartments on 80 Browns Ranch Road had a sprinkler malfunction, 2 rooms were to damaged to occupy.  Chief Alvord reminded everyone of the Christmas party this Saturday.

C.    Sleeper Program Report – Sleeper Wenzel reported he has been working weird hours, hasn’t heard anything other than the Decon being broken into.  Sleeper Heryford reported he has fixed the leaky roof out at station 2.

D.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – None

Recruitment Committee – None

Collections Committee – None

E.    Director Reports – Commissioner Williams thanked the board for making the year fun.  The board thanked Scott for their ball caps and beanies.  Mr. Britton stated that lots of things have been accomplished this year, thanks to Chief Alvord.  Mr. Helsley reported he has heard lots of good comments from the Department about Chief Alvord.  The Board thanked Chairman Williams for all of his hard work this year.

       VI.     PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


  VIII.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1830 hours


Approved:  January 11, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Steve Howard, Chairman                                           Marjie Maddox, Clerk